The Bald Guy
Dec 19, 2015
Now "THIS" Is What An Amazing Cruise Experience Should Be Like!
"Wow ..... ....Unbelievable. This is Ab-so-lutely a-mazing!" We live in a world where people who talk to themsleves are deemed as...

The Bald Guy
Dec 12, 2015
How Much Do You Earn? Do You Really DESERVE A Luxury Holiday?
Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to be a spoil sport here. In fact, I'm here to help you. No, i'm not going to sponsor your next...

The Bald Guy
Dec 1, 2015
Here's Why Most Singaporeans Should Travel Alone At Least Once
I, am a Singaporean. Apparently, Singapore is a country filled with "travellers". Singaporeans among most frequent travellers in the...

Ardjette Boixaderas
Dec 1, 2015
Experience Amsterdam With HOSTELDEALS!
We are delighted to introduce Ardjette Boixaderas from Hosteldeals; the FIRST ever "Guest Blogger" to post on our blog. As we've never...